Available Artwork
Browse the gallery of Tom's available artwork. The paintings here are reproductions made on canvas and hand-stretched. They are available to purchase online and can be shipped directly to you. We also may add some other items that feature Tom's artwork.

Archived Paintings
An archive of Tom's seascape and landscape paintings. These paintings have been sold or are unavailable. If you have a painting that we don't have in the archive please contact us, we would love to showcase it online and share it with those who haven't seen it.

Archived Portraits
An archive Tom Nielsen's portrait work. Prior to his career in seacape and landscape work, Tom was focused on fine oil portraits. We're working on building this archive, this section of the website will be updated whenever we locate more portraits that we haven't archived.

We lost Tom in December 10th, 2018. Tom painted from his studio located in an historic building near the town square in CarroIlton Georgia, Tom traveled far and wide to fulfill portrait commissions and to gather subject matter for his coastal and seascape paintings. With a career spanning over five decades, his work can be found in public and private collections worldwide. He has designed a commemorative medalion for the U.S. Congress and a silver dollar for the U.S. Mint. In 2004, his coastal paintings of the Marshes of Glynn were given by the Governor of Georgia to each of the world leaders attending the Sea Island G8 Summit.